It is 8pm. I've just put the kids to bed. I've had a long day at work and have more work I need to do tonight. It is 17 degrees outside with a windchill that is closer to 10. It is pitch black dark. There are 5 inches of snow on the ground. As I flip on the porch light and stare out into the snowy cold void, my every instinct is telling me to plow through a sleeve of cookies and then pseudo-hibernate under the warm covers. Should I go out? I know I'll feel better if I do.
We've had an unusually cold and snowy winter in Ohio. December, typically a warmish month punctuated with days hitting the 50s, was, this year, a snowy chilly arctic abyss. We've had snow on the ground since Dec 1 and nary a day above freezing. The first snowy month is easy. It is novel. Riding in the snow and cold is fun once again. Winter would be great if it lasted a month. But now we are in the middle of the second month of bitter cold and the novelty is long gone. I have a lot of appreciation for folks in, say Wisconsin, who basically have a month more of winter than do we.
On this evening, my desire for exercise wins out and I put on my gear, strap on my lights and hit the trails. And I have a blast as I almost always do.
One bike path is untouched except for the pioneering footfalls of a few intrepid joggers. The going is hard here and I tell myself this is building character. I have visions of Pugsleys and Mukluks dancing in my head as I strain to keep the bike upright and moving forward in the slippery conditions. I jump off the path onto residential side streets. These are the best. They are "scrapped" but not clear so it is a nice snowy surface with enough traction to move along but enough slip to add excitement. I am riding my faux single speed (fss) -- a 16 year old bike that I don't shift anymore though I could probably coax it into another gear with enough torque on the grip shift. I head up and down a variety of hills to get some burn in the thighs and some warmth in the finger tips. Otherwise I enjoy the tranquility of a snowy evening as I seem to have the world mostly to myself. I decided to ride and I am glad for it.
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