Good ride today. The roads cleared off of slush, snow and salt with yesterday's rains. It was cold and blustery today, but dry roads meant a good time for a longer ride. I went north, through Appleton, then Mount Vernon and on to Gambier. The diner I had planned for a meal wasn't open, so a coke and pop tart had to do instead. I took the hilly back way home through Millersburg and St Louisville. There are a lot of bridges out and roads closed. And St Louisville was a real mess with all the sewer work going on there.
It was nice to be out on the Fargo. Beautiful back roads. Rolling hills. I only took one photo (of the abandoned nut house). But the winds made things tough. And it never really got much above 30 or so when I started (colder with windchill). I'm glad I layered up and didn't pay attention to the weatherman who were saying temps of lower 40s.
Stats for the day: 66.5 miles, 3400' vertical, 15.7 mph. Not bad.
I registered for the Dirty Kanza 200 yesterday morning. 200 miles with 12k' feet of climbing. Almost all of it on hilly gravel and it is very likely to have stiff winds. I imagine today's ride is a lot like the terrain except that today I was mostly on pavement and it was cold instead of beastly hot. I've got some work to do if I'm to extend a 67 mile ride like this to 200 miles.
Paradise Garage has dumped the price on their 2013 Foundry Auger. I test road this bike a while back and have had my eye on it ... that was when it was $2600. Now it is only $1900. It is very tempting. I may have to trade up on my cross/gravel bike sometime soon.